Kamali Academy
Admissions OPEN for January.
Kamali Academy Virtual provides a Live Online Community with Afrikan-Centered Guides who help warrior scholars develop Critical Consciousness through Ourstory, Character Building, Core Skills, Project and Game-Based Learning, Writer’s Workshop sessions, and more.
LIVE ONLINE SESSIONS: 2+ HRS / DAY for the younger warriors and 3+ HRS / for the older warriors.
Spots available for Warrior Scholars: Ages 6 - 18
Core Skills
Core skills are the basic toolkit that young warriors need to master to become lifelong learners. Students spend time each day, setting SMART goals and choosing which Core Skill (reading, writing, and math) to improve. Kamali uses the latest in adaptive online systems and educational gaming in a purposeful, meaningful way, allowing students to learn at their own ability level and at their own pace.
Projects are carefully developed and designed for warrior scholars to learn traditional topics like science, social studies, and history, while concurrently instilling and incorporating the growth of valuable real world skills and abilities. Quests are student-designed projects which not only provide opportunities to learn concepts through “doing,” but when strung together, answer larger questions, fuel student passions, and motivate students to strive for a gamer-like set of rewards. In these ways, student quests become powerful drivers of learning.
Under the Tree Discussions
Guides at Kamali lead discussions like an elder under the baobab tree rather than lecturing as experts or asking leading questions. A Kamali guide sets up scenarios and asks questions to stimulate Afrikan-centered and critical thinking through debate and inquiry.
Launches and closes are critical, consistent Under the Tree periods in each day at Kamali Academy Virtual. We begin each day and major block of work time during the day (e.g. Core Skills or Project Time) with a 15 or 30-minute launch to create high energy and focus. During the Under the Tree launches, a guide might share a story, a video clip, or a world-class example to inspire and encourage, address the purpose behind the upcoming activity, bring up a community need, focus on building character, or establish priorities for the day. Alternatively, the guide might set up a scenario that puts warrior scholars in the shoes of someone facing an important decision, and ask the students what they would do in this ancestor’s or hero's position.
Writing Workshops
The purpose of Writer's Workshop is to instill a love of writing, reading, and storytelling and to empower young warriors for the rest of their lives with an understanding that putting clear thoughts to paper leads to freedom and opportunity.
Each session of Writers’ Workshop is based on a different genre. The guides design a new writing quest each session in which students have full freedom in their choice of content; however, they must learn how to navigate the creative constraints that come with each genre. Writers’ Workshop takes place 1-2 days per week for 45 minutes. It begins with a launch that includes a call to action for the day. During the launches, students are introduced to new writing techniques through various example texts.
Pricing: $350 per month
(or $3000 per year prepaid)
$100 registration fee for the year
*MULTIPLE FAMILY MEMBER DISCOUNT: We offer a graduated discount for sibling enrollments. First child pays 100% of tuition, second child pays 80% of tuition, third child pays 70% of tuition, fourth child pays 60% of tuition. More than four children? Let's talk!
Daily Schedule (Asafo Group)
10-10:30am cst - Under the Tree: Morning meeting with libation, pledges, affirmations, and discussion based on an Afrikan proverb, story, or concept.
10:30-12pm cst - Core Skills: Young warriors are given a large chunk of time for Math, Reading, and Writing. Using different softwares, the learner will learn at their own pace while earning badges for mastery of concepts.
12-1pm cst - Lunch
1-1:45pm cst - Ourstory (MW) or Writer’s Workshop (TTH)
1:45-2:30pm cst - Project Time (MW) or Art & Music or Character Building or IsiZulu (TTH): The projects are project-based learning, usually done in groups. We’ll have several major projects this year. They can range from family history, building a business, coding, ancient mythology, building an ideal community, and more.
2:30-2:45pm cst - Closing: We reflect and respond to the learning that took place. We reiterate the proverb of the day and close with meditation or stretching.
Friday - Genius Day
We give our young warriors space and time to study, practice, and learn about the ideas that bring them the most joy and passion. We know they are capable of doing extraordinary things if they are only given time and encouragement.
Some thoughts from a few of the Kamali Virtual Parents.
2024-2025 Calendar
1st Day of School. Aug. 26, 2024
Labor Day. Sept. 2, 2024
Fall Break. Nov. 25-28, 2024
Kwanzaa Break. Dec. 23-Jan. 5, 2025
MLK Jr. Day. Jan. 20, 2025
Spring Break. March 3-7, 2025
Malcolm X Day. May 19, 2025
Kamali Family Reunion (NOLA) Malcolm X Weekend
Last Day of School. May 23, 2025
Ghana Trip. June 17-26, 2025
Our Tools and Apps


Then perhaps Kamali Academy Virtual is the place for you and your family. We are now accepting applications for the 2024-2025 school year. Our admissions are rolling and applications are considered in the order they are received. Please fill out Step 1 below and we will get back to you with the remaining steps of the application process. We look forward to getting to know you and your warrior scholar.
How does your schedule look?
From Monday-Thursday, we have our live community engage in our Morning meeting and core skills. Then , we break for lunch. After lunch, we go into Ourstory, project time, character building, and more.
Fridays are asynchronous (not live online) and are called: Genius Days. On these days, young warriors are encouraged to practice, research and/or learn more about their area of greatest interest and passion.
What’s my role as a parent?
It depends on how much free time you might have as a parent, younger warriors might need more supervision. We never want to take you out of the picture. Remember, YOU ARE THE CURRICULUM.
Kamali’s model is meant to flow with low supervision in a community, which is definitely part of the challenges of distance learning, so it might require extra support from your side (depends on age).
What about excessive tech exposure?
We know that’s a challenge in today’s world. Any additional work or challenges will require hands on creativity. We want to work with you to make sure the limits set at home are met.
Can you tell me more about mastery learning?
Mastery learning is ensuring that a learner has a complete understanding of a concept before they move on. An incomplete understanding early on can have devastating results later, especially in math.
Using the latest adaptive learning tools for core skills, our learners progress at their own pace as they master each concept, moving quickly through topics they grasp easily and spending more time on those they find challenging. Children who comprehend a concept quickly can move on or deepen their understanding by helping those who are struggling.
Does Kamali Academy serve special needs students?
We are not trained or staffed to serve children with serious learning disabilities, special needs, or who need specialized attention. We treat each and every situation individually, so if you are interested in Kamali and believe it is a great fit for your family, please inquire and we will personally assess your unique situation and the fit of your young warrior.
Will children be grouped into grades?
We believe that children learn best when working with children younger and older than themselves rather than split up into groups based solely on age.